Rednecks are a young band coming from Koenji, in the Tokyo area. This self produced eight song ep is their first vinyl output. When first li...
Escare - self titled Cd - 1992
Escare - Self titled self produced CD - 1992 01 - Quatre Pattes / On All Fours 02 - Gerbe En Silence / Puke Silently 03 - Non-Existence / No...
Cobalt 62 - self titled 7''ep - 1997
First and only release from this short-lived French band. Cobalt 62 played simple, honest and driving melodic hard core punk. The Minor Thr...
Less Haze - Break The Law 7''ep 1990
First and only self-produced Seven inch from this small Japanese hardcore band. Except this, they had compilation appeareances on the "...
Truth Of Arize - Genocide Massacre Holocaust 12''lp 1999
More weird music, and here's a very strange record... I've posted the Truth Of Arize 1998 demo here some time ago, so, one year lat...
Mug - Dead Men Don't Rape / Catatonic Workout - double 7''ep - 1994
MUG (1994) - Discotroma /Amep - issued by Le Dernier Cri and Amanita Ep n°1: Dead Men Don't Rape 01 - Le bras du traitre 02 - Mr pig f...
Stress* - self titled 12''lp - 1982
Stress* - Self-titled 12''lp Rock-O-Rama Records - 1982 01 - No time 02 - Okay 03 - Reggae 04 - Die grünen Jungs 05 - Erdbeermund 06...
Ashes & Crowd - Hostility split ep - 1991
Early release from the Japanese label Overthrow, released one year after the not-so memorable Tusk flexi . The two bands sharing this seven ...