Infezione - Chiediti Il Perche 12''lp - misterX records 1989 Infezione were coming from Modena, North of Italy, which was also the...
紅椿 / BeniTsubaki - Time is On We Side 7'' ep - 1991
紅椿 / BeniTsubaki - time is on we side - Dynamite Rock Records 1991 01 - Tricky 02 - Baby Doll 03 - Iniquity 04 - Black Soul Four track ep ...
RWA - Krowgrrrr & HeehehHaharh 7'' - 1992
RWA - 2 self produced 200 limited copies 7 inches - 1992 First vinyl output by the RWA frenchies, this band was located in the city of Borde...
No-One's - self titled 8'' flexi
No-One's - Self-titled 8inch flexi Recorded live @ Rock House Explosion, March 5th 1985 Rock House Explosion / Z-Bomb - Exp-ZB501 Anothe...
Talgevo - Live at Explosion 8'' flexi
Talgevo - Live at Explosion 8'' flexi Explosion Records - RO701 - May 1985 What can i say about this one ? Inessential but a rare fi...
Griffin - 獅子吼 / Shishiku
Griffin - 獅子吼 / Shishiku - Alchemy / Wild West Records - 1990 Second 7 inch from Griffin , after their 1988 self-released " Phantom of...
キャ→ / Kyah! - Rebel Point 12'' - 1986
Kyah! - Rebel Point - Spankids Records 1986 01 - I Am Bitch, Or Not 02 - Twinkle Flash 03 - Nothin' 04 - Mind Monster 05 - Crazy K...
Gauze - Genkai Wa Doko Da 12'' lp - 1991
Gauze - Genkai Wa Doko Da 12'' lp - 1991 Selfish Records 1 山深雪未溶 2 ...
ABC Hardcore 82 - 7'' compilation - 1994
ABC Hardcore 82 - 7'' compilation - 1994 01 - Hino Mortal - Cancer 02 - Hino Mortal - Desequilibrio 03 - Ulster - Militar 04 - Submu...
Ulster - M-19 7'' - ABC records - 1994
Ulster - M-19 EP ABC records - 1994 1. Pau nos boys 2. Morte aos velhos 3. Sou anti 4. M-19 5. Bandeiras vermelhas Before all that Noise-c...
Edge Of Painfull Sensation - 12'' lp - 1996
Edge Of Painfull Sensation - 12'' lp compilation. Primatus & MusicLand records - Brazil 1996 w/ Rotten Anger , Mayhem Decay Cudg...
Noise & Industrial Holocaust split 7'' - 1992
Well, enough of that French demo stuff, got some more to share later on... Let's move to some sweet Brazilian noise-core . This extreme ...