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Saturday 7 July 2012

Info Post
The Choice Is Mine - tape compilation
XPX tapes - 1988
Slaver – Mind To Bad / Fighting Your A Go!
Spitfire  – Thrash / Minor Threat / Spitfire / Pop / Fire
Mad Conflux – Freezing Cold  / Creazy Action 
Fuck Geez – Drink / My Way /  でっち上げ?真実? /  Go Or Stop
Raise Cain – レミング / S.e.x. / Second / Man Eats Dogs
Naüsea – Keeps / Reality /  Despair / Don't Leave Me / Believe Yourself
Sic Death Slaughter – Wild Men /  No Reader / Seven Teen / Noise

26 songs delivered by 7 japanese bands, mostly live and demo material, Spitfire tracks had been previously posted somewhere on this blog. Naüsea played fast thrashcore, some members went to form Unholy Grave later during the 90s, This compilation had been posted previously on Terminal Escape and Kawaii Records blogs so this is not that new to the interweb, i supplied my very own rip of this tape, There you go.


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